BabyMatters™ Podcasts
We've created a series of nutrition, feeding, and health-related educational podcasts and short videos to share with you and your patients' parents. Be sure to check back on a regular basis for new topics important to you and your patients.

Starting Solid Foods
Published July 27, 2022

Starting Solid Foods Podcast
Featuring Gerber's Developmental Infant Feeding Expert, Sarah Smith-Simpson discussing one of the most biggest problems parents have, starting solid foods.
17 minute podcast

Starting Solid Foods Roundup
Introducing solid foods to your baby for the first time? Learn about readiness cues and timing, key nutrients and textures, how to begin, and how much is enough in our short video.
7 minute video

Understanding Heavy Metals
Published December 15, 2022

Understanding Heavy Metals Podcast
Podcast interview with Pediatrician and Toxicologist, Dr. Jennifer Sample, on the important topic of feeding infants and children, and understanding heavy metals.
13 minute podcast

Understanding Heavy Metals Roundup
Gerber BabyMatters™ answers your questions about heavy metals and provides tips for reducing exposure: What are heavy metals? How do heavy metals get in foods? Do homemade foods have less heavy metals? Can the exposure to heavy metals from foods be reduced?
7 minute video

Infant Probiotics
Published September 19, 2022

Infant Probiotics Podcast
Addressing the topic of infant probiotics in this podcast, featuring special guest, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. José Saavedra.
35 minute podcast

Infant Probiotics: Beneficial Bacteria
Probiotics are live microorganisms, like good bacteria, that, when consumed in adequate amounts, are capable of...
4 minute video

Infant Probiotics: Solution for Common Digestive Issues
Probiotics can help improve good bacteria in the digestive system to ease common digestive issues in infants...
4 minute video

Infant Probiotics: Promote a Balanced Microbiota
The microbiota is a blend of different types of bacteria in the digestive tract and plays an important role in overall health.
3 minute video

Infant Probiotics: Support the Immune System
The immune system is supported by good bacteria, like probiotics, in the gut — the largest area of interaction...
3 minute video